Qld’s small businesses need grants NOW

Time is running out for Annastacia Palaszczuk to backflip on her damaging refusal to provide coronavirus relief grants to small businesses. Months after the coronavirus crisis began, Queensland is the only state in the country with no direct grant support program for struggling small businesses. LNP Leader Deb Frecklington said many small businesses would struggle…


Roadmap to reopen driving tests needed

Nearly 3000 young drivers may be backlogged awaiting a driving test by the middle of June unless the State Government urgently releases a roadmap for recovery for drivers tests. Member for Maroochydore Fiona Simpson has called on the State Government to give clarity about the reopening of testing and also more resources to cut through…


Backing Sunshine Coast’s Comeback

Sunshine Coast State MPs have backed a four-stage plan for re-opening the local economy to give businesses certainty, calling for businesses to give their feedback. The Sunshine Coast team are taking the plan across their Coast business communities, asking local businesses to have their say, while pressure mounts on the State Government to act. Shadow…


Small Business needs more help

State MP, Fiona Simpson, is calling on Sunshine Coast residents to stand up for small businesses that have been ignored by the Palaszczuk Labor Government in the covid-19 crisis. Ms Simpson speaking with Joe Da Silva from The Silva Spoon said Queensland was the only state where small businesses were not being given emergency assistance…
