Call for major roads funding ahead of Labor Budget

The community campaign to upgrade Cleveland Redland Bay Road continues to gain traction with a call by Shadow Minister for Main Roads Fiona Simpson and State Member for Redlands Matt McEachan for vital funding ahead of Labor’s State Budget next week. The Shadow Minister visited the electorate to experience firsthand the congestion and traffic Redlanders…


Funding win for local community groups

Local community groups in the Maroochydore electorate have been successful in winning grants through the latest round of Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF). Ms Simpson said five local groups had been successful in their grant applications and would be putting the money to good use to buy much needed equipment and upgrade facilities to support…


Unions win, Ratepayers lose

The union bosses are the winners and ratepayers are the losers under Labor's new industrial relation laws passed by Parliament. Councils are warning the new heavily union-dominated laws could cost up to 1500 jobs throughout the state due to banning of contracting out and removing the flexibility of local councils to manage their workforce in…


Trucking the Bruce Highway

Shadow Minister for Main Roads Fiona Simpson will today begin a journey down the Bruce Highway to hear and see first-hand what is needed for this important piece of infrastructure. Ms Simpson will grab a ride with different trucking companies as they go about their normal business of moving freight the length and breadth of…


Road safety works start on Bradman Avenue

Pedestrians and motorists on Bradman Avenue in Maroochydore will soon benefit from road safety improvements at three intersections and a new pedestrian refuge. Member for Maroochydore Fiona Simpson said that the works will commence during the week beginning Monday 15 June and will improve safety and convenience for pedestrians crossing Bradman Avenue and for motorists…
