Maroochydore MP welcomes Budget boosts

A $45 million boost to health funding  to tackle Sunshine Coast waiting lists was welcome news in today’s State Budget, Member for Maroochydore Fiona Simpson said today. Ms Simpson said the funding would improve access to general, orthopaedic surgery, medicine, ear, nose and throat and gastroenterology services. “I appreciate the big focus initially was on…


Budget to rebuild Queensland and grow Sunshine Coast

The 2013-14 State Budget is focused on growing the economy, rebuilding Queensland and making our communities more resilient, Treasurer and Minister for Trade Tim Nicholls says. Mr Nicholls said communities across the State and in the Sunshine Coast region would benefit from the Newman Government’s positive plans. “In more ways than one, this Budget is…


Licence reform for Queensland drivers

Better educated younger drivers and changes for older drivers are included in a package of driver licence reforms which have been recommended by some of Queensland’s leading road safety experts. The Queensland Driver Licence reforms include changes to the Q-SAFE driver tests, older driver medical certificates and motorcycle licence tests and will be implemented progressively…


Local disaster affected clubs get funding boost

Member for Maroochydore Fiona Simpson announced today that two flood and storm damaged sporting clubs in the Maroochydore electorate will receive a funding boost thanks to the State Government’s disaster recovery funding boost. Fiona Simpson said that the Maroochydore Beach Bowls Club and the Coolum Football Club  will receive funding from the State Government’s Sport…


$23,592 funding boost for local community groups

Congratulations to community groups in the my electorate who have shared in $23,592 in funding from the Queensland Government’s Caring for Our Community grants program to purchase essential equipment to continue their good work helping others. Alexandra Headland Surf Life Saving Club                                             $5000 Anglican Parish of Coolum Beach                                                          $2126 Family Intervention Service Sunshine…
