Strong law reforms protect families

Queensland families will have a safer state in which to live and raise their children, with strong new penalties for animal torturers and sex offenders and new double jeopardy rules expected to be passed in Parliament today. Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Jarrod Bleijie said the reforms delivered on the Government’s election promise to revitalise…


Vandals clean up their act

Queensland homes and businesses have been cleaned up and are staying graffiti free one year after the State Government brought in strong laws that make vandals literally clean up their act. Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Jarrod Bleijie said the Government’s mandatory graffiti removal orders, which forced vandals to clean up their own mess, had…


Queenslanders feel safer thanks to tougher laws

The vast majority of Queenslanders approve of the Queensland Government’s tough measures against criminal gangs and believe the measures are making communities around the state safer. Minister for Police Jack Dempsey revealed that a survey, commissioned by the Queensland Government’s Strategic Monitoring Team, shows growing support for the Government’s crackdown on criminal gangs. “This government…


New police motorcycles drive road safety message

Queensland motorists and police will be safer as a result of newly designed police motorcycles carrying enhanced visibility and road safety messaging. Minister for Police Jack Dempsey joined Police Commissioner Ian Stewart to launch new Queensland Police Service motorcycle livery that is safer, more colourful and more visible than ever before. “We want to minimise…


Premier launches Queenslanders’ 30-year vision

Queenslanders have spoken loud and clear in The Queensland Plan saying that the economy, education and the regions are the keys to a vibrant and prosperous state. Premier Campbell Newman launched The Queensland Plan: Queenslanders’ 30-year vision at the Local Government Association of Queensland Regional and Economic Conference in Hervey Bay today. The plan is…


13,000 new disability sector jobs in Queensland

Queenslanders are being urged to consider a rewarding career caring for people with a disability, with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) set to increase the sector’s workforce by an estimated 13,000 statewide. Premier Campbell Newman said the disability sector was creating the jobs of the future and the Government was already preparing for the…


Queensland’s trade ties with Japan strengthened

Trade and business opportunities for Queensland have been strengthened with the signing of a new and enhanced sister-state agreement with Japan’s Saitama Prefecture today. Premier Campbell Newman and Saitama Prefecture Governor Kiyoshi Ueda today marked the 30th anniversary of the sister-state relationship by committing to continued co-operation on trade, education, tourism and business opportunities between…


Mine decision paves way for 6,400 Queensland jobs

The State Government has welcomed today’s Commonwealth approval of a major Galilee Basin coal mine that has the potential to create almost 6,400 Queensland jobs. Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jeff Seeney said the Carmichael Coal Mine and Rail project north-west of Clermont would play a vital role in opening…


Maroochydore High School’s gateway to success

Member for Maroochydore Fiona Simpson today congratulated Maroochydore State High School for their success at training students for jobs in the food and wine industry through the Gateway to Industry Schools Program.   Ms Simpson said that the Queensland Government was investing an extra $900,000 to continue the program in schools across the state.  …
