The future of aquaculture in Queensland

Public consultation is now open for the Queensland Aquaculture Strategy 2024-2034, giving Queenslanders a chance to have their say on maintaining Queensland’s reputation as the nation’s preferred supplier of quality farmed seafood. The Queensland Aquaculture Strategy 2024-2034 will identify research priorities, best practice regulatory approaches and provide a clear direction for aquaculture’s future in Queensland.  The…

2024 State Government Budget

The State Government Budget was handed down on 11 June by the Miles Government.  With the election just four months away there is a lot of sweeteners focussed on re-election.  Sadly, the budget is a budget for the next four months that will see Queensland’s borrowings soar to $77.1 billion this financial year and is…

Queensland suffers biggest cost-of-living increases in Australia

The December Quarter Consumer Price Index* reveals Queenslanders continue to suffer the biggest cost-of-living increases across the critical categories for households in Australia. Power prices are up 19.9% – the worst in the nation and triple the national average while one of our largest power plants remains offline after three years; Insurance costs are up 18.5% – due to…

OPINION: Let’s celebrate Australia Day 2024

Valuing who we are as a nation, means embracing all our history and not erasing it. Acknowledging the good, the bad and the worthy and telling those stories. And being grateful for the countless thousands whose sacrifices in the ordinary and extraordinary struggles of the everyday, created one of the most successful and wealthy democratic…

Labor’s integrity inferno continues to burn

Peter Coaldrake said the importance of an independent Public Service is paramount. Mr Coaldrake also pointed out that the tone is set from the top. One of Steven Miles’ first acts is to appoint former Labor MP Mike Kaiser as the Director-General of the Department of Premier and Cabinet – the head of the apolitical Public…

Polling done in the dark must be brought into the light

The LNP is today calling on Labor to immediately stop taxpayer-funded secret polling and publicly release all results to date. The LNP has today taken the fight to the floor of Parliament, demanding action from the Palaszczuk Labor Government. Taxpayer money is being surreptitiously used to run the Premier’s re-election campaign. This cannot be allowed…