Restoration work starts for ANZAC Square

Work has begun on the restoration of the ANZAC Square war memorial in Brisbane as part of the state’s $50 million commitment to commemorating the centenary of the First World War. The Queensland Government is contributing $11.4 million to the project with a further $2.2 million coming from Brisbane City Council who will manage the…

Queensland wins top national planning accolade

Queensland’s innovative one-stop-shop State Assessment and Referral Agency has taken out the national award for improving planning processes at the Planning Institute of Australia’s awards ceremony overnight. Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jeff Seeney said the award demonstrated the Newman Government was building the most efficient and effective planning and…

Boost your business with webinar advice

Queensland businesses can hear the latest advice on maximising their social media and online impact by signing up to the Digital Learning Series, a free 10-part series of webinars being run by the Newman Government and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland. Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games Jann…

Brisbane’s BaT Tunnel named

Brisbane’s underground bus and train project has been named the BaT (Bus and Train) Tunnel after an extensive competition, giving the winner, Capalaba’s Lynne Doyle six months of free travel. Premier Campbell Newman said the name for the once-in-a-generation project featuring a split level transport tunnel was chosen from almost 1,000 entries in the month-long…

New era for crime and corruption watchdog

Queensland’s top crime and corruption fighter will be refocused and revitalised while remaining strong and independent under a range of reforms to be introduced in Parliament today. Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Jarrod Bleijie said the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) would become the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC), with a clear objective to focus…

Business sector most positive in Queensland

Queensland is the only state where businesses have a positive view of the economy, according to a new survey. Treasurer and Minister for Trade Tim Nicholls said the Sensis Business Index survey showed Queensland businesses were positive about both the state’s economy and Government’s efforts to support the business sector. “The index shows the net…

Tough but fair reforms tackle youth crime

Tough but fair reforms targeting repeat juvenile offenders and Queensland’s growing youth crime problem have been passed in Parliament. Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Jarrod Bleijie said the Government was delivering on its promise to Queenslanders to overhaul the youth justice system. “This is about stopping the revolving door of repeat offending that was left…

Home for Good’ to help Brisbane’s homeless

An army of volunteers will hit the streets for the largest ever grass roots assessment of Queensland’s homeless population, as part of a new campaign to tackle homelessness. The Queensland Government’s new Home for Good initiative will commence with a two-week ‘registry’ project in Brisbane to fill gaps in current homelessness data and give service…

Newman Government planning for resource towns

Towns in resource regions have received infrastructure upgrades and State land for homes and industry through the Newman Government’s Regional and Resource Towns Action Plan. One year on since the plan was released, Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jeff Seeney said 40 per cent of the plan’s 136 actions had…

Queensland’s planning landscape set for positive change

More affordable housing and new jobs are expected on the back of sweeping reforms which deliver on the Queensland Government’s election promise to provide better planning. In an address at the Queensland Planning Forum in Brisbane today, Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jeff Seeney said significant changes to legislation would…