Palaszczuk Government’s integrity fail

Key Coaldrake Review recommendations yet to be implemented On the eve of 200 days since the Coaldrake Review Recommendations were handed down, the Opposition is demanding the Palaszczuk Government explain why it has failed to implement key integrity measures. Last June the scathing findings were revealed and the Palaszczuk Government is still dragging its feet…

Auditor-General Report

The Coaldrake Review exposed how the Palaszczuk Government is presiding over a culture of fear and bullying and now the Auditor-General has exposed the impacts this lack of leadership is having on the public service. This failure in leadership is being felt in the deterioration of services Queenslanders rely upon everyday. -ENDS-

Newsflash for Environment Minister Meaghan Scanlon

The claims Minister Scanlon must answer for were raised by serious reports and landholders willing to go on the public record. Do their claims not matter? The Minister herself said Queenslanders deserved to know the truth after she failed to release alarming information 18 months ago. Does she no longer believe that? Reports that her…

ECQ must remain independent

“The independence and impartiality of the Electoral Commission of Queensland is critical. “It’s deeply concerning that this third-term Labor State Government is making moves to threaten that. “This government changed the voting laws. “They changed the donation laws. “Now they want the power to investigate the Electoral Commission. “They will stop at nothing to fix…

Really Premier?

I am absolutely horrified by the latest incident involving the Member for Mundingburra. Les Walker represents a community where his government has allowed youth crime to run out of control. Mr Walker has previously been banned from Townsville’s safe night precinct and now he is making a mockery of Queensland Police at a Police Remembrance…