AgInvest forum to further Queensland agriculture

Growing agriculture as one of the four pillars of the economy will be the main area of discussion as hundreds of Queensland industry members gather in Brisbane for a Government-led forum today. Treasurer and Minister for Trade Tim Nicholls said the Queensland AgInvest Forum would showcase a range of international opportunities to more than 200…

Workplaces to get a healthy funding boost

A healthy serve of funding is being made available to Queensland businesses that promote a better lifestyle for their workers, delivering on the Government’s election promise to revitalise frontline services. Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie said $1.4 million worth of grants under the Working for Wellness Program was up for grabs for businesses that think innovatively about…

Queensland’s transport network modelled on the best

Some of the world’s most cutting edge public transport design and technology was on show as Premier Campbell Newman toured New York’s East Access Rail Line project during his US trade mission. Mr Newman said the project underneath New York’s iconic Grand Central Station was a good model for Queensland’s own underground bus and rail…

Discounts for foster and kinship carers

Queensland’s foster and kinship carers can now stretch their dollar further by accessing discounts at more than 4,500 businesses across the state, as part of the Queensland Government’s Carer Business Discount Card scheme. Launching Foster and Kinship Carer Week on the Sunshine Coast, Child Safety Minister said approximately 4,700 foster and kinship carer families throughout…

Queenslanders have their say on social services investment

Queenslanders are being asked to give their feedback on how the Newman Government can revitalise investment in social services like child safety, health, housing, disability services and homelessness. Treasurer and Chair of the Social Services Cabinet Committee Tim Nicholls said the public consultation period for the draft Social Services Investment Framework was now open for…

Greater access to ombudsman services

More Queenslanders will get support to resolve energy and water disputes after the Newman Government announced a review of the role of the Queensland Energy and Water Ombudsman. Energy and Water Supply Minister Mark McArdle said the review would consider expanding the scope of customer complaints the ombudsman could investigate. “This review is part of…

State listens on flood planning

The push to make Queensland communities better protected against flooding is changing the way councils can apply for funding. Community Recovery and Resilience Minister David Crisafulli has called for Expressions of Interest for the first time from the state’s 77 councils for projects that will help their communities be better prepared to avoid the worst…

New Biosecurity Act to better protect Queensland

Queensland’s environment and agricultural sector will be better protected after the new Biosecurity Act was passed in State Parliament today. Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Minister John McVeigh said the new legislation rolled multiple Acts, some dating back decades, into one streamlined Act. “This legislation will provide an important safeguard for our primary industries for future…

Insurance data predicts lift in construction activity

Construction activity is set to boom across the state, with insurance policy data released by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) increasing by 27 per cent in two years. Minister for Housing and Public Works, Tim Mander, said the data showed the Government was delivering on its election promise to grow construction as one…