Small Business needs more help

State MP, Fiona Simpson, is calling on Sunshine Coast residents to stand up for small businesses that have been ignored by the Palaszczuk Labor Government in the covid-19 crisis. Ms Simpson speaking with Joe Da Silva from The Silva Spoon said Queensland was the only state where small businesses were not being given emergency assistance…


State Govt Spit Development Secrets Spilled

The State Government needs to stop the cover-up on investigating redevelopment options on the publicly owned land at the end of Mooloolaba Spit. State MP for Maroochydore Fiona Simpson has evidence obtained under the Right to Information Act that confirms that the “Commercial advice provided by Ernst & Young was based on the department’s instruction…


Call to fix flawed loan program to save business

Flaws in the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s COVID-19 package for business must be urgently fixed to allow recently-founded firms to apply for interest-free loans. Shadow Small Business Minister Fiona Simpson and Nicklin MP Marty Hunt have called on the State Government to cut redtape blocking companies such as Terella Brewing of North Arm from accessing the…
