TAFE Queensland going bankrupt under Labor

Explosive findings* from the Queensland Audit Office have revealed TAFE Queensland’s ‘financial performance is at risk because of declining student numbers’. LNP Shadow Minister for Training and Skills Development Fiona Simpson slammed the Palaszczuk Labor Government for their mismanagement of Queensland TAFE and leading the institution onto the road of insolvency. “Under Annastacia Palaszczuk, TAFE…


Laws to protect against sharing of intimate images

Proposed changes to the Criminal Code were debated in Parliament yesterday to protect vulnerable people from the sharing of intimate images or recording without a person’s consent. Speaking in Parliament, Member for Maroochydore Fiona Simpson said that the Criminal Code (Non-consensual Sharing of Intimate Images) Amendment Bill 2018 would strengthen laws to address this disturbing…


Labor fails Queensland VET students

In damning new data released today by the National Productivity Commission, Queensland students in VET training have dropped by 33,700 from 2015 to 2017. Alarmingly, Queensland was the only mainland state in the nation to experience a decline in training numbers. LNP Skills and Training spokeswoman Fiona Simpson slammed the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s failure to…


Seafood labelling shake-up on LNP menu

The LNP is getting behind the Queensland seafood industry with a new labelling policy that will promote local jobs and give consumers greater choice. Leader Deb Frecklington has today revealed, if elected in 2020, the LNP would change legislation in Queensland so that any business selling seafood for immediate consumption had to identify where the…


TAFE cash splurge as Queensland training rates dive

TAFE Queensland has splurged more than $100,000 on ‘brand research’ while Queensland training rates continue to plummet*. New data released yesterday by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research also revealed training cancellations were up, completions were down and fewer Queenslanders were in training compared to last year**. LNP Shadow Minister for Skills and Training…


Biloela business forum speaks up

Small businesses had their say about how they want to grow jobs, build the local population and create a better future for the region at a forum in Biloela yesterday hosted by Callide MP Colin Boyce in Biloela, attended by LNP Small Business Shadow Minister Fiona Simpson. Ms Simpson, who is also the Shadow Minister…


Red tape strangles local Bundaberg business

Excessive red tape, unnecessary regulations and costly and time-consuming paperwork are costing our local businesses said member for Burnett Stephen Bennett. Mr Bennett said Bundaberg small businesses were being forced to battle with bureaucracy, instead of being able to concentrate on growth. “The Palaszczuk Labor Government has a definite lack of respect for people’s businesses,…
