Why the flood study delay?

Maroochydore MP Fiona Simpson has questioned why the State Government has delayed releasing the promised independent flood study concerning the proposed Twin Waters West development. Ms Simpson said that last year the Department of Local Government Infrastructure and Planning was saying the study would be completed by July, with an announcement expected by the Government…

LNP steps in to boost local legal services

Liberal National Party to reverse Annastacia Palaszczuk’s cuts to Suncoast Community Legal Service  LNP understands that access to justice for vulnerable Queenslanders is an important issue  LNP to provide $5 million funding increase for Community Legal Centres across Queensland.  The LNP will deliver a $720,000 boost to the Suncoast Community Legal Service after Annastacia Palaszczuk cut funding to…

LNP will build a better Sunshine Coast

The LNP has a comprehensive plan to build the infrastructure the Sunshine Coast needs Annastacia Palaszczuk has the wrong priorities and has taken the people of the Sunshine Coast for grantedOnly the LNP will Build a Better Queensland by building the roads, bridges and dams Queenslanders need.  Only a Tim Nicholls-led LNP Government has a…

Fiona & the LNP’s plan for the Sunshine Coast

G'day!  I'm delighted to share with you my plan for the Maroochydore Electorate and the Sunshine Coast. Click here to read more Under an LNP Government we are unashamedly pro-infrastructure for the Sunshine Coast and building jobs that help keep our young people in this area and ensure everyone has an opportunity to get ahead.…

Funding boost for conservation work at Twin Waters

Local conservation groups will be given a helping hand to protect our precious environment at the Maroochy River Conservation Park in Twin Waters under an LNP Government. Member for Maroochydore Fiona Simpson, who secured land at Twin Waters for conservation under the former LNP Government, today announced a $50,000 funding commitment to help continue works…