Member for Maroochydore Fiona Simpson is calling for volunteers to help people with disabilities experience sailing.
Sailability Sunshine Coast Queensland (SSCQ) is a not for profit group providing opportunities for adults and children with disabilities to get out onto the water.
Club Patron Fiona Simpson said that the group operates from the Mooloolaba marina every Tuesday and Friday morning and urgently needs more volunteers.
“Sailing experience isn’t essential but they do urgently need “skippers” with either large boat or dinghy experience,” Ms Simpson said.
Vice President Mark Dowsett said that SSCQ have recently received a grant from the Queensland Government for a new pontoon facility to help those with mobility difficulties get access to the boats.
“It is incredibly rewarding and sometimes I wonder who gets the most from the day, the client or the Sailability volunteer,” Mr Dowsett said.
“Each client is given a half hour trip on the river in a purpose built Access 303 dinghy but we need more volunteers on hand to help out.”
“Designed to be exceptionally stable, these dinghies allow Sailability to provide a wonderful experience for those with disabilities.”
If you have a Tuesday or Friday morning to spare and think you might like to become involved with this wonderful group, please give Mark a call on 5309 6203.
For more information go to
A Blue Card is required and SSCQ can facilitate the application process for this if necessary.
Photo: Fiona Simpson is pictured with Sailability volunteer Alan Winter