The future of the State’s heritage places will be canvassed in a discussion paper that Queenslanders are invited to have their say on.
Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection Andrew Powell said the Queensland Heritage Act 1992 (Heritage Act) was being reviewed to ensure the locations and buildings were managed in a responsive and innovative manner.
“This review aims to deliver real and ongoing benefits to Queensland communities by ensuring the management of these important places is not unnecessarily bound up in red tape,” Mr Powell said.
“We have a strong plan for a brighter future and having the best Heritage Act here in this State is an important part of that.
‘We think there are a number of improvements that could make it easier for owners of heritage listed properties, to assist them to protect and look after the existing sites.
“The reforms outlined in the discussion paper respond to issues and suggestions raised by the Heritage Council, property owners, local governments, and the community.
“We want to hear what the public has to say and we want to ensure our legislation is modern but also continues to protect our heritage places.”
Chair of the Queensland Heritage Council, Professor Peter Coldrake, welcomed the review and said it offered Queenslanders the chance to reflect on the importance of our shared heritage and present ideas about how it is protected for future generations.
“There is immense pride throughout all of our cities and towns in their local history and their local stories,” Mr Coldrake said.
“There is an opportunity to ensure that the Heritage Register celebrates the best of breed.”
“The Queensland Heritage Council would like the position of owners to be regcognised, respected and reinforced and we see this review as a great opportunity to help build support across the wider community.”
“The changes we make today will ensure our heritage places are there to enable future generations to understand our state’s history.
“Feedback from the public will directly shape the outcomes of this legislative review process, so I encourage everyone to have a say.”