The Newman Government has welcomed news the Abbott Government will pursue its election mandate to reduce household electricity bills by repealing the Labor-Greens Carbon Tax and reviewing the Commonwealth Government’s Renewable Energy Target (RET) Scheme.
Energy and Water Supply Minister Mark McArdle said Queensland electricity prices were 17.8 per cent higher because of the impact of green schemes and the Carbon Tax.
Mr McArdle said removing the Carbon Tax is the biggest and quickest way to reduce electricity bills and other cost-of-living pressures throughout Australia.
“The Labor-Greens Carbon Tax and renewable energy target (RET) program directly hurts Queensland businesses, farmers and households,” Mr McArdle said.
“These unnecessary costs act as a competitive disadvantage, adding about $260 to the average annual household electricity bill.
“Federal MPs and Senators could very easily deliver a significant and immediate cut in electricity bills by supporting the Abbott Government’s efforts to remove the carbon tax and wind-back economically-irresponsible green schemes.”
The Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) identified that the Commonwealth Government’s Carbon Tax added $177.40 and the RET scheme added $81.24 to an average household electricity bill.