South east Queensland’s solar customers on the transitional 8 cent feed-in tariff will now have an easy way to shop around for the best feed-in tariff deal.
Energy Minister Mark McArdle today launched the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA)’s latest tool to help solar customers get the best deal for exporting their solar energy.
“This online price comparison tool will show the different solar feed-in tariff rates offered by electricity retailers in the Energex area, ensuring customers get the best deal,” Mr McArdle said.
Mr McArdle said reforming the state’s electricity sector was part of the Government’s strong plan to put downward pressure on future electricity prices by trying to unravel Labor’s political decisions that are still the biggest cost driver for current electricity prices.
“The Government has moved quickly to rein-in Labor’s economically unsustainable $3.4 billion solar bonus scheme,” he said.
“When the transitional 8 cent solar feed in tariff rate ends, electricity retailers will determine the solar feed-in tariff rates available for solar customers in the southeast, as well as for any new solar systems that are connected.
“This will ensure customers can easily compare solar feed in tariff rates in the Energex area and drive competition among electricity retailers.”
From 1 July 2014 the government will no longer regulate a feed-in tariff in the Energex area because retailers already offer competitive solar rates.
To assist solar customers get the best deal, Mr McArdle said the QCA developed an easy to use website tool that would list all the different solar feed-in-tariffs on offer from electricity retailers in southeast Queensland.
The QCA was also asked to update the Electricity Industry Code to ensure consumer protections were in place for when the new solar feed in tariff arrangements started.
The changes to the code now require the QCA to publish solar offers from electricity retailers on its website and retailers also have to publish their solar feed-in tariff offers in Energy Price Fact Sheets that outline their product offers to customers.
All customers currently contracted on the 44c feed-in tariff would continue to receive the tariff until 2028, as long as they remain eligible.
The QCA’s price comparator is available at