The State Government still has questions to answer about the traffic impacts of the Sekisui/Yaroomba Beach development, State MP Fiona Simpson said today.
Ms Simpson called on Transport Minister Mark Bailey to explain what he and his department were doing to address these concerns.
Ms Simpson said that she supported a new hotel development in the area but not the level of density on the site as the hotel was accompanied by a large number of residential units.
This, she said, would have a significant impact on traffic and other issues.
“The Minister for Transport Mark Bailey still hasn’t answered key questions about these traffic impacts,” Ms Simpson said.
“The traffic report identified impacts, particularly at the intersection of Beach Road and David Low Way which showed some level of failure, which I don’t think have been appropriately addressed.
“Wiping out beach-side parking or worse, trees, isn’t the answer.”
Ms Simpson said Council had to explain how they could walk away from their town plan in this area.
“We all want jobs on the Coast but not at any cost.
“I’m concerned that Council are setting a precedent of creating such dense living in this area and all its associated impacts.
“I recognise that Council has the main responsibility for development and implementing its town plan but the concerns of the community are about how easily it can be changed.”
“Council may make the planning decisions but the Transport Minister and his Department have a responsibility to ensure that the Traffic concerns are addressed – and I don’t believe they have done this.”