Labor’s ongoing support for the carbon tax is forcing Queenslanders to face higher electricity prices in 2014-15 regardless of a mountain of evidence the tax is hurting Queensland families.
Treasurer Tim Nicholls said the carbon tax was imposing a real cost on Queensland electricity consumers.
“The QCA’s own figures show that without the carbon tax electricity would rise by 5.4 per cent instead of the predicted 13.6 per cent. On some tariffs the price of electricity would actually go down if the carbon tax were abolished,” Mr Nicholls said.
“Over the last two years the average family has paid more than $300 in carbon tax on their electricity bills.
“I’m urging all Queenslanders to get in contact with their Labor Senators by writing, phoning or emailing to tell them to do the right thing by Queensland and to vote to abolish the carbon tax before Christmas.
“I also call on Queensland Labor to do all it can to pressure federal Labor to scrap the carbon tax.
“By supporting the carbon tax, Labor is supporting an increase to the cost of living for Queensland families.”
Minister for Energy and Water Supply Mark McArdle said the draft price determination by the independent regulator, the Queensland Competition Authority, confirms the pressure placed on households by the carbon tax and shines a light on Labor’s lie about the carbon tax not affecting the cost of living.
“With the carbon tax removed the typical household would save $116, the average family of four would save $174 and that would go up to $240 for a family with four children,” he said.
“Without the carbon tax, the charges for residential Tariffs 31 and 33 would decrease by 6.7 per cent and 3 per cent respectively.
“Businesses would save between 7 and 10 per cent on their electricity bills depending on which tariff they are using. The only people standing between small business operators and lower electricity bills are your local Labor Senators.”
Mr Nicholls said the Federal Government was trying to remove the carbon tax but the Labor Party, which claims to represent ordinary Australians, refuses to scrap this job destroying tax.
“The truth revealed by the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory is that the carbon tax has cost billions but resulted in a lowering of carbon emissions of just one-twentieth of one per cent.”
Mr McArdle said the draft price determination by the QCA also confirmed the importance of the Newman Government’s electricity reform agenda.
“The Newman Government is doing what it can to keep downward pressure on power costs but the truth is the carbon tax continues to cost Queenslanders dearly.”
Public submissions on the draft QCA determination close on 28 February and a final determination is due in May.