“TAFE Queensland has wasted $230,000 in taxpayer money on tickets to the Commonwealth Games,” Ms Simpson said.
“Taxpayers picked up the bill for 2148 tickets – after the Palaszczuk Labor Government ruled out free tickets.
“We’ve got a government paying a government education provider to purchase tickets from the government. It’s a money merry-go-round.
“This makes a mockery of the sponsorship program of the Commonwealth Games, which allowed government bodies to sponsor the games.
“It once again shows the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s priorities are all wrong.
“Under the Palaszczuk Labor Government, program completion rates at TAFE and other government providers have crashed 42% since 2014.
“Instead of fixing the training crisis and skilling Queenslanders for work, Labor was swanning around at the games.
“The Palaszczuk Labor Government are putting themselves first and taxpayers last.”