Helmet laws will stay in place and no bicycle registration will be required as part of the Queensland Government response to the cycling inquiry.
Transport and Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson said he would table the final response detailing support for 50 out 68 recommendations from the Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee’s Inquiry into cycling.
“The recommendations we support demonstrate our strong plan for a brighter future and align with our promise to improve safety for cyclists on our road,” Mr Emerson said.
“Unlike the previous Labor government we promised to do more, particularly given last year there were 13 cyclists who tragically died on our roads, almost double the number of fatalities compared to five years ago.
“The decision to keep helmet laws the same is based on scientific evidence that clearly supports the effectiveness of helmets in reducing head injuries.
“While I agree with freedom of choice, it is not in the public interest to introduce a trial that may increase any risk of head injuries to cyclists.
“The government also supports the committee’s recommendation not to introduce registration for bicycles as the fee would likely deter people from cycling.
“It would also be inconsistent with other jurisdictions in Australia given no other state or territory currently registers bicycles or requires them to have a number plate.
“A recommendation we did not support was to allow a ‘rolling stop’ rule whereby cyclists could treat a stop sign or red light, like a give way sign.
“Not only could this lead to serious injury, we could not support a rule that would see inconsistencies between what motorists and cyclists were allowed to do at a stop sign or red light.”
Mr Emerson said a new campaign to drive behavioural change on our roads would also be developed.
“The share the road campaign will include improving the interaction between cyclists and other road users and is scheduled to be launched later in the year.”
Mr Emerson implemented nine recommendations from the inquiry last month including a two year trial of the one metre rule and bringing fines for cyclists into line with motorists.
The final response will be tabled later today and can be viewed at www.tmr.qld.gov.au/cyclinginquiry