Growth and certainty in the resources industry will be encouraged with proposed reforms to streamline legislation.
Minister for Natural Resources and Mines Andrew Cripps today released two discussion papers for public consultation to address mining lease notification and objections and restricted land access.
“These proposals are simply designed to boost Queensland’s rural and regional economies while ensuring the responsible use of the state’s land and natural resources,” Mr Cripps said.
“They deliver on our election promise to grow the sector as one of the four pillars of the economy as well as cut red tape.
“Ultimately they will make it easier to do business and will create more jobs, a key focus of the Queensland Government.”
Mr Cripps said the proposed reforms outlined in the Mining Lease Notification & Objection Initiative discussion paper would result in fewer delays, and supercharge the economy.
“Currently the notification and objection process for a proposed mining project is duplicated and does not take into account the size and impact of the mining operation,” he said.
“The former Labor Government increased the burden on business and the community, but we will provide greater certainty by delivering a more streamlined and efficient process.
“The proposed reforms will allow us to hear from those who are directly impacted by the development rather than extreme green groups in Melbourne or California whose life goal is to create a road block for economic development.
“These individuals or groups have little or no interest in our state and submit vexatious objections to tie up economically beneficial projects.”
Mr Cripps said the Standardised consent framework for restricted land discussion paper addressed a complex system where different land access rules apply depending on the resource being targeted.
“The Modernising Queensland’s Resource Acts propose a single, consistent restricted land area of 200 metres between a residence and advanced exploration activities across all resource sectors,” he said.
“The proposal also extends beyond the boundary of the resource permit, offering certainty and clarity to any neighbouring residence within 200 metres of resource activities.
“It gives an extra 100 metres of protection around coal and mineral companies while landholders who engage with CSG and other resource companies will have 200 metres of protection for the first time.
“The proposed new restricted land framework is designed to focus on impacts rather than resource type and will provide certainty of rights and obligations to landholders and resource companies.”
Both discussion papers follow the Land Access Implementation Committee’s report on implementing change to Queensland’s land access framework.
The Standardised consent framework for restricted land discussion paper is available at:
The Mining Lease Notification & Objection Initiative discussion paper is available at:
Submissions can be made to the Modernising Queensland’s Resources Acts mailbox at or PO Box 71 Mary Street, Brisbane 4001 until 5pm, Friday 28 March 2014.