LNP Shadow Minister for Small Business Fiona Simpson today said Queensland businesses urgently needed a clear road map to protect jobs and reopen.
Ms Simpson said the Labor Government must give greater clarity about how and when businesses, which are currently closed or restricted due to COVID-19, can operate and under what guidelines.
“It’s Small Business Month but for many small businesses it’s the year from hell,” Ms Simpson said.
“They’re a gutsy lot but we’ve got to champion them with practical help and clear operating advice, not just celebrate them with a month named after them.
“The Premier is vaguely saying that sometime in June businesses that are restricted may be able to reopen, but that’s not giving people hope, it’s giving them uncertainty when they need clarity about the re-opening rules and timing.
“The community has done an outstanding job complying with the rules that have helped limit the spread of this deadly virus. It has saved lives and saved our health system from being overwhelmed.
“However, in order to rebuild the economy and protect jobs, it is vital that businesses have the best advice and support to re-open.
“Where is the roadmap from the State Government? A roadmap to re-opening is about providing clearer dates and rules about how people can operate. That’s vital if people are to invest in stock, staff and strategies to rebuild and hopefully rebound after a devastating time.”
Ms Simpson also renewed her calls for emergency relief grants for Queensland small businesses to help them in the process of rebuilding and reopening.
“Queensland is the only state without COVID-19 grants for small business,” she said.
“A roadmap about how and when to reopen plus resources such as this grant, which other States have, would help in the rebuild.”
The State LNP has launched a petition to support the emergency small business grantshttps://queensland.typeform.com/to/dX92Rp