The Mooloolaba Harbour entrance channel has finally been cleared after many months of inadequate responses from the State Government with boats running aground. Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) has been advised by Mooloolaba Coast Guard that the area still needs to have the sand shoals dredged either side of the entrance channel as they are dangerous to mariners, particularly those towing vessels. The work completed so far is still a temporary measure.
Very discretely the MSQ website has recently been updated to advise that there will be Stakeholder and Community consultation in the second half of 2022 and it will run alongside the environmental process for whatever works are proposed. However, the plan is still unnecessarily cloaked in secrecy. As we are in the second half of 2022, I want to see a commitment to a time that this consultation will take place and a solution that is right for maritime safety as well as the environment.
My concern is that the Queensland and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) for 2022-23 only has $400,000 allocated for dredging and bed levelling for the Mooloolaba Harbour Entrance. There is no new money allocated for undertaking consultation and implementation of a more permanent solution or for more timely and aggressive dredging, when required, to make the harbour entry safe and reliable.
Transport Minister Bailey has refused to answer any of my five letters to him about the issue while boats were being overturned, lives put at risk and emergency vessels couldn’t get in and out of the harbour .
The issue hasn’t gone away. The Minister still needs to answer:
- What are the plans for a permanent solution?
- When will community consultation take place with the State Government and MSQ to meet with community stakeholders to discuss ALL options that have been considered for the permanent solution?
- Will he commit to a more responsive, timely and effective dredging program? And
- When will MSQ provide Coastal engineers to answer questions and engage with stakeholders and the community so that the best solution which addresses maritime safety and the environment is applied?
It’s time that Minister Bailey got off Twitter and answered his correspondence and acted to fix the problem.
I will not stop until we have the right solution and the right solution actioned.
Any issues that you are continuing to have please complete my Complaint Form HERE