The Sunshine Coast is booming and we have a great future. But we have to be clear about charting a destiny which maintains our quality of lifestyle and protects our environment while balancing growth and growing jobs. Our great new hospital is a fantastic addition to the Coast but we need more transport infrastructure to keep pace with population growth, grow the jobs and economy.
Growth is not sustainable without a pipeline of infrastructure spending on properly planned and costed projects that move people cost effectively and efficiently. Our fantastic new hospital is a wonderful addition to the Coast. We also need the right transport infrastructure that connects our unique communities across the Coast and also connects our region to Brisbane.
I’m concerned that without adequate investment in infrastructure to keep pace with population growth, we’ll see more congestion and delays and fewer jobs and that’s why I’m asking people to join my petition to lobby the State Government. We’ve seen the State Labor government cut $9 billion from infrastructure investment across Queensland while they cram more people in to South-East Queensland.
That’s why I am calling on the Premier to provide funding for key infrastructure projects on the Sunshine Coast to cut congestion and improve road safety.