Prep students in Queensland state schools will be given greater opportunities to learn and improve their literacy and numeracy skills thanks to a new teacher kit delivered by the Newman Government.
The Early Start Kit is a suite of literacy and numeracy materials which gives schools and teachers the opportunity to monitor the progress of their Prep to Year 2 students in literacy and numeracy.
Minister for Education, Training and Employment John-Paul Langbroek said the Early Start kit was all about boosting literacy and numeracy outcomes in our schools.
“The Newman Government has a relentless focus on achieving better educational outcomes for all Queensland students,” Mr Langbroek said.
“Research shows that the early years of schooling are a critical time for students, as they begin to develop essential literacy and numeracy skills that pave the way for future learning.
“The Early Start Kit is an innovative suite that can support schools and teachers in promoting a culture of ongoing and consistent monitoring of literacy and numeracy to ensure the best possible learning outcomes for students.
“This is about delivering on our promise to work hard to revitalise frontline services for Queensland families.”
Mr Langbroek said the Early Start Kit was provided free to all Queensland state schools.
“The data generated by Early Start will give teachers invaluable insight into the best ways to effectively target the learning needs of their students,” he said.
“The program is administered by teachers one-on-one with students, providing a great opportunity for teachers to spend valuable time gathering information about their students learning.
“Children entering Prep have a diverse range of skill levels. For example, some may have had little experience with books while others might already be reading
“This kit is not for grading or comparing students, it’s designed to help teachers and schools determine the best way to develop each child’s literacy and numeracy skills.”
Mr Langbroek said state schools throughout Queensland trialled Early Start in Prep classes in 2013, with the Department receiving an overwhelming positive response from the schools involved.
“Trials for the End of Prep, End of Year 1 and End of Year 2 materials will occur before their release in 2014 and 2015.”
Education Queensland partnered with the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) to develop the Early Start materials, the use of which is optional in schools.
For more information on the Early Start kit visit: