Queensland children and their families are better protected and tougher monitoring over child sex offenders will be enforced through new laws that were passed in Parliament overnight, despite Labor shamefully voting against them.
Police Minister Jack Dempsey said the laws met a key election commitment to revitalise frontline services and would make Queensland families safer, from the Cape to Coolangatta.
“We have acted decisively to rebalance the system by increasing reporting for child sex offenders from once a year to four times a year,” Mr Dempsey said.
“This means serious offenders will need to report forty times over the course of ten years.
“It is part of our strong plan for children and the state’s most vulnerable that will create a brighter future for everyone.
“We promised to make Queensland a safer place to live and raise a family, strengthening the justice system that was weakened by the former Labor government.
“We also promised to increase reporting for sexual offenders, and this legislation delivers on that.
“On top of the mandatory reporting, the Police Commissioner will also have discretionary powers to increase the reporting requirement for offenders, and declare offenders who abscond as a danger to the community.”
Mr Dempsey said it was disgraceful to see the Queensland Labor Party ignore the needs of children by voting against the legislation.
“The previous Labor government failed to act over almost 20 years to protect Queensland children, and they have again failed to act,” he said.
“I was shocked to see Labor vote against legislation which puts the rights of our most vulnerable ahead of offenders.
“Labor’s vote against these sensible reforms is a vote against victims, families, and those affected by these devastating crimes.
“It shows Queensland Labor has no plan to protect children, no plan to ensure our streets are safer, and no plan for the future.
“I would urge Queenslanders to express their concern with Labor’s lack of support for victims through their spokesman, the Member for Rockhampton, Bill Byrne.”