Queenslanders have been invited to join in the state’s party by hosting an event in their workplace on Friday 6 June as part of Queensland Day in the Office.
Premier Campbell Newman said Queensland Day marked the day we officially separated from New South Wales and has long been regarded as the state’s birthday.
“It doesn’t matter where you work – why not celebrate with a Queensland themed morning tea, lunch or barbeque,” Mr Newman said.
“There’s no better occasion to wear maroon to work, play some office games or show off your lamington baking skills.”
Businesses and community groups that register their participation will receive a complimentary Di Bella Coffee party pack for their celebration, as well as an online toolkit of templates and celebration ideas.
Registrants that submit a photograph of their Queensland Day in the Office event will go into a draw to win $2,000 credit from Di Bella Coffee.
Queensland Week Facebook fans will be able to vote for their favourite entry and help them win one of two coffee hampers.
Proud Queenslander and Managing Director of Di Bella Coffee, Phillip Di Bella, encouraged workplaces to join in the celebrations.
“Di Bella Coffee is proud to support Queensland Day in the Office for the second year,” Mr Di Bella said.
“It’s a great opportunity to get together with your work mates and celebrate with a bit of fun.”
For more information about Queensland Day in the Office and to register your workplace visit www.qld.gov.au/queenslandweek. You can also find Queensland Week on Instagram and Facebook.
Queensland Day in the Office, brought to you by the Queensland Government and Di Bella Coffee, is part of Queensland Week celebrations, 31 May – 8 June 2014