I am aware that local residents are concerned about the proposed amendment of SEQ Regional Plan to permit development at Twin Waters West development on the former cane lane abutting the Sunshine Motorway.
I am pleased that State Government has agreed to provide a scrutiny of flood models to ensure rigorous assessment of Council’s flood modelling. This is important not just for this site but anywhere in the catchment as flood modelling is complex and requires great care and technical rigour.
People have a right to know that any approvals of future developments on the Coast protect their interests and will not cause a worsening of flooding impacts on their properties.
I remember walking through the flood waters in the 1990s which impacted particularly the Pacific Paradise community and talking with local residents who had been affected. As a result I fought hard to help get the improved flood mitigation works such as bunding around Pacific Paradise and improved major drains which have greatly assisted the overland flow issues.
As part of this drainage plan the last Twin Waters development also undertook significant extension of the drains and canals which has been a major improvement. It is vital that these improvements are not undone and in fact that there be further works to improve localised flooding issues in some of the older communities where there have been issues with different fill levels between individual properties.
This is an issue which still needs to be tackled and I would welcome your feedback as we discuss this with Council to get better outcomes.