Member for Maroochydore Fiona Simpson celebrated National Volunteer Week with 260 Sunshine Coast volunteers at a sausage size in Cotton Tree Park.
Fiona Simpson and Mayor Mark Jamieson joined with Volunteering Sunshine Coast to honour our volunteers for their important contribution to our local community.
Valued volunteers were presented with a Certificate of Appreciation and a lapel pin by Ms Simpson and the Mayor. The celebrations continued a sausage sizzle provided by the Maroochy Lions and entertainment organised by Volunteering Sunshine Coast.
National Volunteer Week (13th – 19th May 2013) provides an opportunity to highlight the role of volunteers who donate their time and energy to help others in our community and this year’s theme was “Thanks a million” to the 6 million Australians who contribute more than 700 million hours of community service to so many areas of society.
Ms Simpson praised the work of Volunteering Sunshine Coast who play a vital role in linking volunteers with not-for-profit organizations who are seeking assistance and they also provide training and support.
“Volunteers are the backbone of our local clubs and organisations and each and every one of them deserves to be recognised and thanked for all that they do,” Ms Simpson said.
“Many of these organisations provide essential services to our local community and they would struggle to survive without the support of their volunteers,” Ms Simpson said.
For more information on how you can get involved as a volunteer, call 07 5443 8256 or go to their website