Protecting our children is everyone’s business and Member for Maroochydore Fiona Simpson is supporting the fantastic work of Integrated Family and Youth Service (IFYS) as part of child protection week.
Ms Simpson said that Child Protection Week, which runs from 7–13 September 2014, aims to raise the profile of child protection issues, including the role families and the community can play to ensure children are nurtured and safe.
“I urge everyone to take part in local community events organised for Child Protection Week to help remind us that we all play a part in making our state the safest place to raise a child,” Ms Simpson said.
IFYS will be holding a fun-filled community event at the Coolum Community Centre on Saturday 13th September from 12pm until 4pm.
“As well as joining in with all the usual fun activities – jumping castle, petting zoo, face painters, art workshops and sausage sizzle, I encourage you to learn more about what we can all do to keep our kids safe,” Ms Simpson said.
“There will be information stalls and sessions on cyber bullying and safety for children and young people.
“I look forward to seeing you there.”
For more information about the event, please contact Jodie Quinn on 5456 8407 or email
Ms Simpson said the State Government has a strong plan for a brighter future, and we are revitalising frontline child and family services by implementing the recommendations from the Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry.
“We want to build stronger families, which is why we have committed $406 million over the next five years, which is the largest ever investment made by any Queensland Government, into early intervention for vulnerable families,” Ms Simpson said.
More information about Child Protection Week in Queensland is available at: