Thank you for the feedback about plans to install new traffic signals at the intersection of David Low Way and Tanah Street East/West. While some members of the community are happy that funding has been provided to improve safety at this accident black spot, I appreciate the view that some would prefer to see a roundabout.
I have followed this up with the Department of Transport and Main Roads and discussed the reason for the upgrade, and the cost of the design options.
Firstly, they advise that the reason for the upgrade is safety due to the high accident rate, including a fatality, at this intersection, rather than due to congestion.
The reason they advise that signals are the choice to address this is cost and land impact.
I am advised that a dual lane roundabout would be required to handle the traffic flow here and this would require significant land resumptions, extensive engineering and drainage works, as well as the relocation of utility and telecommunication services, which would push the cost of this project out to around $8 million.
Funding of $1.1 million has been provided to fix the road safety issues under the Safer Roads Sooner funding program and the upgraded intersection will be delivered in 2016-17. A roundabout would be outside of the scope for this funding program and would therefore delay these necessary safety works.
Main Roads have assured me that the signalised intersection is the preferred solution because it would be the safest option for all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists. Also, the traffic signals can be activated by sensors and programmed to accommodate peak and low flow traffic movements to provide a more efficient traffic flow than a roundabout at this location.