The Premier says the government decisions on COVID are guided by the health advice, so why is the $528,000 of taxpayer funded sentiment polling even needed? She is keeping Queenslanders in the dark by refusing to release either the health advice or the very expensive polling. If key COVID decisions are not being made on the polling, there is no reason not to release it.
Many feel like the State Government is letting them down and I believe that the health advice needs to be released. More than anything I want to see everyone kept safe, but for too long we have seen this government use the fact that they would not release the health advice. Covid-19 is serious and it is only reasonable that Queenslanders are provided with the information that the decisions are based upon.
I am hearing more and more stories of people’s grief who have a genuine need to get home. Not only are they being cut off from their families, but they are cut off from their jobs. Meanwhile, the families of footballer and their entourages are allowed to come into Queensland and they are given a priority.
How on earth can you have health advice that says it is safe for NRL players and their families, yes not just players, but their families having precedence over Queenslander’s being able to come home? It is ridiculous, unfair and wrong.
There appears to be two sets of health standards, but we don’t see the health advice. There must be accountability and consistency, and most importantly there has to be compassion. It’s time that all Queenslander’s are treated with respect.