I have strongly been supporting a community campaign to have permanent shared mooring points put in place to help protect the Mudjimba Island Reef from damage while maintaining access for all those who love this area.
Earlier this month, I met with the Deputy Director-General of the Environment Department together with Sunshine Coast Stakeholders at Parliament House to discuss how to best protect Mudjimba Island and its surrounds while still making sure that everyone can still enjoy it.
The Department advised that Queensland Parks Wildlife Service and Partnership (QPWS&P) are investigating if the designation of a protected area tenure, installation of moorings and creation of a no-anchoring area around the reef could serve to address the community’s concerns for protection.
Furthermore, the Department confirmed that it has funding approved to complete a surface/feasibility analysis of an exclusion zone for anchoring and to determine if the site is suitable for the installation of moorings. If this was determined as the best course of action then the number of moorings that could be accommodated and the exact location of each and the flow on impacts to commercial and recreational fishing activities, and existing tourism operations in the area would be determined.
Feasibility of the moorings is dependent on a range of factors including suitable substrate, depth, and available room for moored vessels. Specific roles in maintenance, compliance etc will also be considered as part of the feasibility analysis.
Whilst there is more work to be done it is a positive step in the right direction. I will keep you posted as I continue the fight the fight for the right protection to look after the area so the community can still enjoy it and it is here for future generations.