Applications for applying for a Postal Vote have now closed (14 October) however if you have applied and not yet received your ballot, this is most likely because it is still in the mail.
However, other options to vote if your Postal ballot does not arrive before October 26 are available. If you are able, there are Early Voting Centres (Pre-Poll) available throughout Queensland, which are open Monday to Friday, 8am-6pm until October 26. Alternatively, particularly if you are overseas, you can register for a phone vote. See the link on my website homepage “Other Voting” for information.
You can still vote this way even if you have applied for a Postal Vote and it hasn’t yet arrived.
Question: I’ve filled out a Postal Vote Application. When will I get my ballot paper?
Answer: After the cut-off date for nominations they will be printed and then mailed out by the ECQ in the days after the nominations close. The ballot draw for order of candidates was on October 8, 2024 and ballots could not be issued before this date.