Moves by Council to finalise the first ever business case on a Sunshine Coast Entertainment and Convention Centre are welcome and have advanced the case more than ever before, State MP for Maroochydore Fiona
Simpson said.
However, she said suggestions being floated that it could be a casino were not in the brief as she understood and were an unnecessary diversion.
“I'd hate to see this very exciting project diverted in a direction not in keeping with our region,” Ms Simpson said.
“I am a passionate advocate for an entertainment and convention centre and am very excited by the level of work currently being done to put the first real business case together to make this happen,” Ms Simpson said.
“There was no mention of a casino from council staff when I was briefed recently by Council. I think this is a thought bubble and people are entitled to float them.
“However I believe that funding opportunities from Council. State and Federal Government as well as the private sector will make this centre happen because there is finally a proper business case and road map
being developed in order to put the first professional bid forward to government for funding. That hasn't happened before. For that I pay Council and the Mayor tribute and I am keen to keep working with them on this.
“That business case which will lead to a professional submission for funding has never existed before.
“Some of the keys to making this facility work has to be about it being stage-able, being able to grow with the region, and shared funding among the tiers of government together with the private sector.
“It will hugely deepen the economic base of the Sunshine Coast, with the opportunity for a wider range of entertainment, convention and exhibition opportunities and performances”.