Sunshine Coast youth have a harder time getting a job under State Labor with youth unemployment rates rising to 15% (up 3.5% in the last year), yet the State Labor Government has cruelly axed desperately needed employment programs for local residents.
Annastasia Palaszczuk has stopped Sunshine Coast residents from accessing the Back to Work program, even she has kept it for other regional areas with lower youth unemployment rates.
Across Queensland there are rising unemployment rates, yet new national training data has revealed that the State Government are overseeing falling rates of apprentices and trainees. There are now over 8,000 fewer students in-training than under the previous LNP Government and the situation is going from bad to worse.
Annastacia Palaszczuk recently refused $245 million in desperately-needed vocational training funding from the Federal Government under a new national partnership. This could have been used to help young Queenslanders make a start in their careers. Unfortunately the State’s priorities are about political point scoring rather than getting on with the job.