I welcome the right decision at last week’s Sunshine Coast Council meeting where they voted to listen to community concerns and not proceed with tenders on the proposed Mooloolaba Seawall project until the new Council is in place in March.
It is important the new Council can make a decision with all the facts and hear the legitimate concerns of the community and make sure they are fixed. Community consultation must be a big part of the design process and to-date there has just been confusion and mixed messages given to those that love this beach and whose livelihoods depend on it.
The design and process of access must be right so that it doesn’t do more harm than good.
The beach is of such importance to the community and any encroachment by built structures would be viewed poorly. Business continuity during construction is also vital and the “fit for purpose” parking issues haven’t been resolved nor timelines and guaranteed levels of access.
The design must be right, there is only once chance to get it right.
The existing seawall replacement is funded by the Council and Federal Government’s National Emergency Management Agency Disaster Ready Funding contributing $7.95 million.
It is important to remember that Mooloolaba Beach has been named in the list of top beaches in Australia and the South Pacific. We need to protect it and guard it carefully.
Mooloolaba Beach is the tourism jewel of the Sunshine Coast and it must be protected.