Protecting our children is more important than protecting the anonymity of paedophiles.
This week in Parliament, Labor voted against our plan and has failed to protect the community, but the LNP will take our plan to keep children safe to the 2020 election.
The Palaszczuk Labor Government has denied parents the ability to identify child sex offenders living in their neighbourhood.
In Parliament this week the LNP called for Labor to support its plan for major child-safety reforms, which would have also empowered parents to check the background of anyone who has regular unsupervised access to their children.
LNP Leader Deb Frecklington condemned Labor’s refusal to back the plan for a public child sex offenders’ register which would put victims first and let parents take extra safeguards to protect their kids.
Our plan also included strong safeguards to prevent vigilante action against sex offenders. The use of similar laws in Western Australia and the UK shows that they are effective and are used responsibly by the community.
If one child is prevented from becoming the victim of sexual abuse then these laws will be worth it. That’s why the LNP has committed to introduce public child sex offender legislation if we win the next state election in October 2020.