Round two of the Investing in Queensland Women grant program is now open to organisations delivering female focused initiatives aiding them in their economic recovery.
The three categories of funding available for applicants include:
- Category 1: up to $5,000 for small initiatives such as targeted campaigns or events (e.g. awareness raising event, workshop or training for small groups, or development of resources such as posters)
- Category 2: up to $10,000 for larger initiatives which will operate on a broader scale or are more sustainable in nature (e.g. medium to large scale campaign, development of resources such as videos, or a series of workshops or events)
- Category 3: up to $15,000 for substantial initiatives which are undertaken jointly between two or more organisations or community groups, with favourable consideration given to applications where there is a matched contribution to the initiative from the initiative partners.
Organisations across the State are encouraged to consider an initiative that could benefit their local community as we work towards a gender equal future. Last round in the Maroochydore Electorate for local projects Beyond DV were awarded $14,500 and IFYS $6,500.
Submissions for round two close on 31 July 2021.
Full details on the grant program, including how to apply, are available at: