There are inspirational women from the Maroochydore electorate who are making a positive contribution to their community – some are well-known and others do their work quietly without fanfare. This is your opportunity to spring a surprise and show your appreciation.
To coincide with International Women’s Day on March 8, I am hosting the inaugural Queensland Inspirational Women’s breakfast in Parliament House, Brisbane.
This is an opportunity to publicly recognise and honour an inspirational woman from each electorate from around the State, and I am calling for your nominations.
You may know someone who has pioneered in a certain area – whether in business, community work, the arts, the environment or some other area – starting with only a dream or a concept, and showing that determination and tenacity to bring that dream into reality.
I know there are many women who have those pioneering qualities, and I look forward to receiving many nominations to read through.
Nominations close on 22 February, and the breakfast will be held at Parliament House on March 8.
You can send your nominations for the Queensland Inspirational Women Speaker’s Award to, or to your local State MP’s office, complete with your name, phone number, together with the name of your nomination and a short summary of their achievements.