The next step in the potential expansion of the Sunshine Coast Airport which will create more than 1500 long-term jobs and provide a major economic boost for the region is underway, with the independent Coordinator-General releasing an environmental impact statement for public comment.
Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jeff Seeney said the proposed $347 million expansion would enable the airport to more than double its capacity to two million passengers a year.
“Sunshine Coast Regional Council proposes to construct a new runway and associated infrastructure at the Marcoola airport site,” Mr Seeney said.
“If approved, the new runway would enable larger jets to use the airport and will provide greater access to the Sunshine Coast for international tourists.
“Economic forecasts suggest passenger numbers at the airport could climb from the current 900,000 a year to two million a year by 2030.
“Our government promised to grow the economy and deliver better planning. Assisting the Sunshine Coast Council to expand its airport into a strategic infrastructure hub delivers on this promise.
“I encourage community members to have their say on the proposed expansion.”
Sunshine Coast Regional Council is proposing to build a new north-west/south-east 2450 metres long runway – 652 metres longer than the current airstrip – to allow for a wider range of aircraft.
Expanding the airport is expected to create up to 86 direct jobs during construction and create 1538 operational jobs by 2040.
Mr Seeney said the Queensland Government had helped progress the proposal by agreeing to transfer, at no cost, three parcels of state-owned land adjacent to the airport needed by council for the project.
The project is a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The Coordinator-General is conducting a bilateral assessment on behalf of the State and Federal governments.
The Coordinator-General has determined that council’s environmental impact statement has adequately addressed matters outlined in the Terms of Reference.
The Terms of Reference for the environmental impact statement required the proponent to address potential impacts like aircraft noise, construction, and coastal processes.
The public can have their say on the environmental impact statement from Monday 29 September until Thursday 13 November.
Residents can comment on the environmental impact statement at:
Submissions can also be emailed to or posted to the Coordinator-General, c/- EIS Project Manager – Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion, Coordinated Project Delivery, Office of the Coordinator-General, PO Box 15517, City East Qld 4002.
To view the environmental impact statement visit
Printed copies of the environmental impact statement can be viewed between 1 October and 13 November at all major Sunshine Coast libraries and council service centres.