LNP Leader Deb Frecklington today promised parents, kids and teachers that she will air condition every state school classroom on the Sunshine Coast if she wins the next election.
Ms Frecklington said every Queensland kid needed a comfortable environment to learn.
“I want our kids to learn and thrive, but it’s hard to do that in a sweltering classroom,” Ms Frecklington said.
“In our worst hotspots, teachers are sending kids home with heat exhaustion in summer.
“Labor has been in power for a generation and they have ignored this problem.
“Annastacia Palaszczuk doesn’t care about this issue – but I do.
“I want our school kids to be cool kids.”
Ms Frecklington and Member for Ninderry Dan Purdie today met with the Coolum State High School P&C, which strongly supports air-conditioning state schools.
Ms Frecklington’s $1.5 billion commitment to air-condition every state school in Queensland was a key pledge in the LNP Economic Plan released earlier this month.
Mr Purdie said temperatures on the Sunshine Coast could sometimes top 40 degrees Celsius.
“It’s no fun for teachers or kids to have to work in a stifling classroom,” Mr Purdie said.
“Kids will concentrate better in an air-conditioned classroom and teachers deserve decent working conditions too.
“It shouldn’t be left to parents and volunteers to deliver air-conditioning in schools.
“It’s time for politicians to step up and that’s exactly what the LNP and Deb Frecklington will do.”
You can find the LNP’s Economic Plan at: www.deb2020.com.au/our-plan