Congestion on the Sunshine Motorway at Mountain Creek is predicted to grow by more than 50% over the next decade, yet the Palaszczuk Government has no plan to fix it.
Around 41,600 vehicles use the two-lane section of the Motorway every day, and Transport and Main Roads predicts that to grow to 68,000 vehicles by 2031.
Member for Maroochydore, Fiona Simpson MP, and Member for Buderim, Brent Mickelberg MP, are calling on the State Government to upgrade the heavily used stretch of the Sunshine Motorway to four lanes as part of the Mooloolah River Interchange project.
“The two lanes can’t handle the current demand as it is, so adding another 25,000 vehicles will be utter mayhem,” Ms Simpson said.
“I wrote to the Minister for Main Roads, and he has confirmed there is no funding or commitment to fix the daily traffic jam.
“Sunshine Coast residents and the many visitors to our region deserve better infrastructure that keeps up with demand.”
Member for Buderim, Brent Mickelberg MP, says the State Government’s failure to plan for future growth and demand has a terrible impact on residents.
“The congestion isn’t just during peak times, it’s an all-day occurrence,” Mr Mickelberg said.
“Residents are sick of being late to work, school and appointments because the State Government has failed to recognise the desperate need for improvement and is once again ignoring the Sunshine Coast.”
“The Mooloolah River Interchange will only fix part of the problem. If you’re going to do a job, do it properly and upgrade the Motorway as well.