Did you know that the biggest employers on the Sunshine Coast are actually the smallest? About 22% of Sunshine Coasters are in business for themselves, having a go and creating jobs for other people.
This week is Small Business Week and I want to acknowledge and celebrate the entrepreneurs who take the risk of developing their ideas into a business and the many mums and dads who work hard to run a family business and provide jobs for others.
Thanks to their success, many people can continue to live, work and raise a family here on the Sunshine Coast.
Buying local wherever possible for the goods and services we’re seeking is one way we can support our local businesses.
Let me know your ideas about how we can better help our local small businesses to flourish and grow more local jobs. Contact me via email on maroochydore@parliament.qld.gov.au or www.Facebook/FionaSimpsonMP.
Fiona and Shadow Treasurer Tim Mander with David Benjamin of Brick Lane Café, Mooloolaba