Timeframes for demolishing Maroochy House to make way for the new Maroochydore bus station have been extended due to workers finding Asbestos materials in the building. Member for Maroochydore Fiona Simpson, who has lobbied hard for the bus station, said the latest setback was disappointing although she understood demolition works needs to be undertaken in accordance with safety and environmental requirements.
The asbestos removal, on top of the change in design work which happened before the State Election, meant the time for construction being finished was now estimated by TransLink to be 2013.
I am now advised by TransLink that construction tender documents for the project are being prepared and are expected to be let soon.
“My priority is to ensure that we get a new bus station in the Maroochydore CBD sooner rather than later which addresses the safety concerns and that it is done in a cost effective way,” Ms Simpson said.
“The existing bus station is dangerous as it involves buses having to partially reverse out and requires the additional cost of an employee to ensure no pedestrians are run over. In addition to this, it has long been acknowledged as a bottleneck for services through Maroochydore.”