Over $2M on cycleway and nothing to see

The State Government’s moves to spend more than $2million on a plan for a 1.5km bike path with none of the money going towards construction has been called an outrageous budget bungle by local MP Fiona Simpson. Member for Maroochydore and Shadow Minister for Finance and Better Regulation, Fiona Simpson was commenting after the Transport…


Nominations for the 2024 Australian of the Year Awards are NOW OPEN

Nominations are now open for the 2024 Australian of the Year Awards. These prestigious awards celebrate the significant achievements and contributions of extraordinary Australians who are making a positive difference within their community and across the nation. The Australian of the Year Awards give Queenslanders the opportunity to nominate individuals who show courage and inspire…


Electricity Rebate

Here’s a quick guide about the power rebates announced in the State Budget: $700 Cost of Living Rebate on electricity bills for vulnerable households, plus a further $372 under the Electricity Rebate Scheme. To check eligibility, go to: https://www.queenslandsavers.qld.gov.au/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgeeImani_wIVSFB9Ch3bPw1hEAAYASAAEgKpCPD_BwE $550 Cost of Living Rebate on electricity bills for ALL OTHER households. $650 for eligible small…
